Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Find out how BHRT therapy from BioSana ID may help you

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Many women experience hormonal imbalances: How can BHRT help?

Without realizing the cause, many women experience hormone imbalance. The symptoms of this imbalance can range widely and are often treated with medications prescribed for depression, low libido, joint pain, memory loss, insomnia, anxiety, and more.

For women, having one’s hormones checked regularly will reveal whether hormones are optimized and help avoid hormonal imbalance in a woman’s endocrine system. The process of pellet hormone therapy may help alleviate issues with imbalances. Learn more about female hormones and the signs of hormonal imbalance by contacting a certified BioSana ID provider.

Menopause, as well as hysterectomies, may cause hormonal imbalances in women. BHRT may help alleviate symptoms.

Learn About BHRT & Hormonal Imbalances for Women

What Causes a Hormone Imbalance in Women?

Hormone imbalance in women can occur as part of the aging process and may reflect genetic predispositions for certain conditions. However, hormone balance or imbalance can also be affected by the food we eat, the exercise we get, and the amount of stress we experience.

Many women seek bioidentical hormone replacement as a way to combat menopause. After women hit a certain age, their body goes through this drastic change. Menopause can also be caused at any age by a woman who has received a hysterectomy. Some of the more alarming signs and symptoms of female hormonal imbalance include: 

  • Hot flashes (hot flushes)
  • Weight gain
  • Low libido
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Migraines
  • Bone density loss
  • Memory loss

These menopausal symptoms stem from decreased levels of estrogen (oestrogen) and progesterone. These hormones can be restored with BHRT. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a natural and effective way to address women’s health.

How Can I Get Started With Bioidentical Hormone Balance Therapy?

First, a patient can find a certified BioSana ID provider near them. Next, they schedule an office visit to test current hormone levels. Based on comprehensive consultation and extensive lab work, providers will determine candidacy through the BioSana ID method. Patients will schedule a quick follow-up appointment to review their results and for pellet therapy insertion.

I get horrible headaches – will they help me?

Yes! We have had great success, especially with women who have menstrual migraines, and new migraines that appear after age 35.

What Is the Endocrine System?

The endocrine system is a series of glands that produce and disseminate hormones throughout the body. A woman’s hormones do a lot more than just regulate mood and sexuality—they can determine whether an individual will be at risk for elevated blood sugar, decreased bone density, and thyroid problems.

Why do I need estrogen?

Estrogen is the most important hormone for a woman. It protects her against heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s. It also keeps us looking young and healthy.

Why do I need testosterone?

Testosterone is the third female hormone and is essential as estrogen and progesterone. We need this hormone to keep our thought process quick and our libido healthy. It improves bone density, muscle mass, strength, and prevents some types of depression. Testosterone is also the source of energy and solid sleep!

Will I grow unwanted hair from testosterone?

There is less chance of excess hair growth with natural testosterone than with synthetic hormones.

Do I need to take other medication?

If you still have a uterus, you will need to be on natural progesterone as well.

Health Assessment for Women

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215 West Bandera Road Ste. 114
PMB 713
Boerne, TX. 78006
M-F: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM